Emily Hogan

Emily is a high school art teacher and coach. She found yoga through her former part time job at Upper Limits and has been constantly called back to it over the years. Yoga has helped her grow stronger, more flexible and more comfortable in her own skin, both on and off the mat.

Yoga inspires her to mindfully move throughout every part of her day. She completed her 300YT training in 2024, and is constantly striving to learn and grow in her movement practice. No matter if it is a walk in the woods, a climb up a slabby rock face, or challenging her high school students to a push up contest, it’s about putting some movement into your day. As a lifetime learner she believes it is our job to keep your mind and body as sharp as you can. In her classes, you will move your bodies and have some fun in the process.

She wants her students to understand that there is perfection in our imperfections and that we are wonderfully and purposefully made.